(点击三角形 聆听中英文学习)
人不讲理是个大缺点, 人硬讲理是个大盲点。
Not being reasonable is a flaw, while insisting on reasoning alone makes us miss the forest for the trees.
Keywords and Expressions: 1. reasonable [ˈriːznəbl] adj. 合理的
2. flaw [flɔː] n. 瑕疵,缺点
3. insist /ɪnˈsɪst/ v. 坚持
4. reasoning [ˈriːzənɪŋ] n. 推理;论证;评理
5. alone [əˈloʊn] adj. 独自的;单独的;
6. forest [ˈfɔːrɪst] n. 森林
7. while [waɪl] conj. 在……期间;在……的过程中;与……同时;
(Excerpts from 《Words of Wisdom》 Volume 1)
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